Joseph Oduoh. The Class of '84 Ughelli host.


Engineer Joseph Oduoh, busy with the projector connections at a CGM held in Lagos, last year.

Government College Ughelli Class of '84 is set for their next CGM slated for 30th April, 2022 at Wiltrice hotel in Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria.

 Engineer Joseph Oduoh, is making preparations to host the greatest Classmates in the World.

"The preparation has been gradual. I know I have a lot of work to do. It's a great privilege to host members of the Class of '84"

Joseph Oduoh.

This is the first CGM to be Chaired by the new Chairman, Otega Odjegba that was elected to lead the Class in January, 2022.

Otega Odjegba. Class Chairman.

Hitting the ground running, the Class Executive Committee (CEC) kicked started with the bye-laws review exercises which have been ongoing, online with full participation of the general class. This is one reason the next CGM is going to be extraordinary.

Next is urging Classmates to key in to the Class Insurance Scheme (CIS) that has seen a rise in participants and strengthening the Class Welfare Committee (CWC).

Mariner Joseph Oduoh says his entire family is involved in the processes and logistics are in place to make the CGM a success and memorable.

Fishers of Men 

A rolling stone gathers no moss

A single tree makes no forest

Alas, the quiet whispers at the tree tops affirm the power of unity

We are Mariners

A people

A movement

A Nation with unity in diversity

In the gathering of great halls, Kwesi, Nkoti and many more stand missing

Must we stand in awe or continue the great search

A search for a people, conspicuous in the Arena, though with a bit more effort brings the joy of reunion

Shall we stand aloof on this great sea, in this ship that never berts, while fellow Mariners remain lost at sea

We are Mariners, on a voyage, holding strong and standing as 

"One for All, and All  for One"

Ne'er tired from the task, like the fisherman that casts his net, we are all but Fishers of Men. Only when every last Mariner is accounted for, then will rest dwell behind the cloak.

Written by-

Otega Odjegba

Chairman, Class of '84 

25th March, 2022.

This story appears here first.

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Joseph Oduoh. The Class of '84 Ughelli host. Joseph Oduoh. The Class of '84 Ughelli host. Reviewed by nomb-blogger on April 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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