Adult Learners. Learning English language the adult way

When 3 matured married women and one of their husbands combine together to hire a harsh teacher to teach them English language, then get ready for long arguments. 

  • Coming from Red Pictures 4 Channel on YouTube and other social media channels, adult learners can teach you a bit of English language. Good English.

But get prepared for the other gists in class. Marriage challenges. Community living. Gossips. Jealousy. Quarrels and even Food topics.

Red Pictures 4 Channel logo on YouTube 

Adult learners is a changer in story telling in Nigeria.

Created and Directed by Henry Czar Ejeta. Produced by Isabella Ozobu. Executive Producer, Margaret Ejeta.

This web series is a first of it's kind in Africa.

The cast from left
Liz Ibeh, Fred Peters, Jonathan Agbanoma, Folashade Aluko, Vina Bassey 

You can log into Red Pictures 4 Channel on YouTube to watch episode 1 by following this link.

Adult Learners. Learning English language the adult way Adult Learners. Learning English language the adult way Reviewed by nomb-blogger on July 04, 2024 Rating: 5

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