GCU Class of 84-90 and the memories of a CGM

For the first time after they graduated in 1990, some of them saw themselves again.
Laughing, hugging, banters was the order of the day.

Memories rolling of the times they shared back in the days in Govt College Ughelli.

The Class General Meeting held on the 27th July, 2019 at the old boys Secretariat of GCU in McNeil Street Yaba, Lagos.

For the first time, the red carpet was introduced as part of the event.
Led by Mike Akoreh the Class Chairman, he thanked everybody for attending and expressed joy for the unity and progress of the class.

Next on the red carpet was Emamomo Ovaighoro the host. He welcomed everybody to the event.
Lucky Ogedegbe, dressed on a smart dark blue jeans and a sky blue long sleeve was also on the red carpet where he shared some thoughts concerning the event.

Class mates came in different mode of dressing, from simple corporate to traditional native attires and casuals, all very smart, neat and fine gentle men that put in lots of commitment, travelling great distances across the World and Nigeria to attend the CGM.

After the opening prayer, the school's anthem was recited and the deliberations began.

To kill thirst, chilled Zobo, a local  soft drink, produced and served by Miss Ovaighoro along with her Dad Emamomo, made sure that every body was comfortable.
Moments later, cold Palm Wine was also served.
Some canned Beer to keep the flow up was also provided.

On the menu was Ogwo, Egusi and Banga soups, laced with assorted fish and meats. Class mates choosed between Eba or Starch. Others are Fried Rice, White Rice and Stew.

By 8pm, the meeting was over and everybody returned back to their hotels for their journey back home.

The event was well captured on video and photography.

Thanks for reading.

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GCU Class of 84-90 and the memories of a CGM GCU Class of 84-90 and the memories of a CGM Reviewed by nomb-blogger on July 29, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is interesting I really missed not being available to attend this great gathering of classmates.


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